Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Importance of Being Eldest.

a world of grown up big kids;

Dizziness is setting in as the tire swing continues in concentric revolutions. A smile and crossed eyes tell a story of uncomfortable pleasure. It is like butterflies but more intense, it is like nausia but not so severe. These jouvenile actions stirr a sense of nostalgia; a whisper of innosence and nievity.

With each season that comes there is a longing for the next and pineing the previous. Children can't wait to be "big kids" the "big kids" wan't to be teanagers, teans college students, college students career, career maried, couples want children, and then want children gone, as they look to retirement. Suddenly the "sun set" years set in and a wish to be young again if only for a day crosses the mind. It seems a humorously viscous circle of the grass is greener sort.

An insincere solution mixed with spiritual gaph (oral garbage) could be offered, but won't for fear of ruining a perfectly good postulation. The intention of this piece is only to prod the mind and to encourage some intelectual stimulation. What is the source of this endemic insecurity and age driven disscontent? Is life so miserable that only the hope of something new makes continuiance worth the effort? Is there an inherantly progressive spirity in man which causes him to always look forward? What is it?

Dizziness has ceased, the swing has stopped spinning and time requires a return to the world of grown up "Big Kids". The park will soon be filled with inhabitants of a more suitable nature, little ones who wont hit their head on the monkeybars don't bow the teter totter. They will dream great immaginative dreams and pretend to be grown up, playing house or school. A game they will be playing much longer than they ever intended. Time requires a return the world of grown up "Big Kids", but maybe just one more trip down the slide, for old times sake.



At 10:57 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Hey, got your car insurance Wisconsin of all places! Maybe the Boyles will get your mail from now on. :-)


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