Friday, September 09, 2005

catch up and ketchup

So now I have been back for about five days. Swimming through a sea of homework, while fighting my natural impulse to sleep instead of work (purely due to the jet lag of course). Most of my classes are going smoothly, math and spanish on the other hand, not so much. My spanish teacher speaks 3 words of english for every 200 spanish and my math teacher has the same ratio of coherant to incoherant sentences.
"I had a real quiz for you all typed up but um well I ah forgot to well I was in my office and then I was walking out and I ah If you would please copy onto a blank sheet what is on the board."

In other news, aparantly souveniers arn't the only thing I picked up in Romania. After spend 2 hours at the hospital the doctor came to the conclusion I had contracted a minor skin infection. Yeah for me! At least I got buy some relly expensive drugs. It should clear up in a few days.

Socially I am doing well (big surprise) in fact somedays I feel like I know to many people. Thursday was like a mini golf game of socialization. I got sucked into 9 different "holes" (groups of friends) in sequential order each with their own special "windmill", "Giraffe" personality.
Most of my friends are black, but from that thier are the sub groups of latino etc. then their are the music people, and the christian leadership people, and of course Lore' and her friend(s). Oh yah then their are the girls who "need help with eng." and who am I to leave a damsil in distress.

As for the food, lets just say as much as I like chef boy ar jim he is no Darlene Sinclair or Abagail Brown, Even Weese's food is better than this. Dave be thankful. Although it could be worse I could be eating Romanian Hot Dogs.



At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah. my cooking isn't so bad, huh? : )

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude her cookies rock.

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pleasure I feel that you mentioned my culinary expertise(indeed, being mentioned alongside Darlene Sinclair) is sadly decreased when I notice that you spelled my name wrong. My feelings are truly hurt. :-b

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Lore Ferguson said...

Abbi, if your feelings are hurt at the mispelling of your name, think about how badly there, their, and they're feel? Tragic indeed.

I'm a little MIA when it comes to editing J's posts.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, who likes my cookies?

At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nic, you're my friend. : )

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Paul said...

So, you don't like my cooking? (sniff) Hope you excel in your classes like you do in your social life. You can do it.


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