Saturday, October 08, 2005

Humpty Dumb-t ?

Humpty Dumbty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumbty had a great fall

All the kings horses and all the kings men
Couldent put humpty dumpty together again

It is generally accepted that humpty was some sort of egg like creature. My first question is what was an egg doing on the wall? My second question is why were horses trying to together an egg? No one thought to call the plastic sergon, no lets get knights and horses to put together the fat egg man. How about,
"all the kings doctors and all their RN's couldent put him together again"
Those big horse hooves probably did more damage than good. Its to bad humpty wasn't hard boiled, but they atleast could have made a humpty omlet. I hear horses are great at making omlets. Oh, I'm sorry no their not, there horses! They eat hay and say nay and run in fields all day.

Some things in life are a mystery, nursery rymes shoulden't be one of them.



At 10:49 PM, Blogger nicole said...

What made you think of that?

At 3:38 PM, Blogger j. said...

in chapel there was some reference to HD as an illustration of falling.

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horses do more then eat hay and say nay, they eat up a person's college fund, create great lawn fertilizer, make wonderful ornaments, but I personally see them taking apart more then they put together. Hope ripped the frame off the barn door the other day, and they led themselves to the pasture. past the hay, choosing to graze instead. Thankfully, they didn't choose the neighbor's grass.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny you should be thinking about this for this year my school is putting on the musical Wonderland! (a spoof off of Through the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland) therefore Humpty Dumpty is in it. It's quite the funny scene and one would never expect Humpty to be as moody as he is. However the boy who plays HD you have met at jess stone's birthday party, his name is Caleb Campbell. funny guy....and to notify you...they don't do a good job picking up him.
-Jen Thomas

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny you should be thinking about this for this year my school is putting on the musical Wonderland! (a spoof off of Through the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland) therefore Humpty Dumpty is in it. It's quite the funny scene and one would never expect Humpty to be as moody as he is. However the boy who plays HD you have met at jess stone's birthday party, his name is Caleb Campbell. funny guy....and to notify you...they don't do a good job picking up him.
-Jen Thomas


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