Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Circus Driven Life

entertaining the crowd while putting your life at risk.

Are you a good Christian? Let's take a look at your day timer.

Sunday - Church in the a.m. lunch with the bretheren (so far so good and good use of the word bretheren)
Monday- Worship Practice at 7 p.m. (serving the Lord with your "gifts" i.e. your 200$ platnum kazoo)
Tuesday- Ladies or Men's Bible study (Ladies make sure you tone down the gossip and get a little of that joyce myers devotional in, because you can be sure your men are studyingy what it takes to be a real man of God i.e. watching the tape of the Monday Night Football game they missed while they were at worhip practice.)
Wednesday - Prayer Meeting at Church (ok well at least it made it on the calender; that's practically going right?)
Thursday - What! a night away from church with your family? We'll let it slide this time I suppose but you should really concider joining the crochet club that meets dowt town. It is good to be envolved with the communtiy you know. That's what Jesus would do.
Friday - Youth group (don't forget the kool aide and the oreo cookie knock offs, teens love that.)
Saturday - Fellowship Potluck ( we will play NT trivial pursuit and watch the passion of the Christ, but you can't stay to long because you have to get tomorrows sunday school message ready for the class.)

Well looks to me like your a good Christian except for those thursday nights I still think you should concider that crochet class.

Sometimes my relationship with God is directly related to how much stuff I do for Him. If I am busy then I must love God. If for some reason I don't have an event with the word church in it on my schedule every night I must be in need of serious repentance. Why do I feel the need to be so busy? Sometimes it feels like a performance and sometimes you feel dead later. Spiritually, physically, mentally it can be exhausting. Service should be an overflow of our relationship as opposed to our relationship being an overflow of our service. Don't walk on the works tite-rope and risk falling into the net of frustration. Don't be a clown and demand the crowd's attention for every little thing you do. And whatever you do, don't stick your head in the lions mouth.



At 3:05 PM, Blogger Lore Ferguson said...

good post bro. keep it up.

At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A young man once asked his mother,
Are you doing what God called you to do or are you just busy doing things in the church? Is there anything you will regret not having done that God called you to do? (maybe not exact words, but the point is the same)
Now I am serving where he has called me to serve, overcoming the fear, and blessed with joy in all of the various circumstances. Thank son.
On the days inbetween the various services one is called to do, we are simply called to be the Christian we are suppose to be in our daily lives, so that others may see Him living in us.
To separate church and state, possible, To separate a true Christian heart from God, at will, to live according to the world's idea that we should leave who we truly are behind when we are not in church, impossible, or at least it should be.

Miss you J.


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