Monday, October 24, 2005

Sup_r H_ro_s of Th_ Faith

"I'd like to solve the Puzzle!"...

Let me explain the Wheel of Fortune illusion. I was watching tv the other day (while on break) and WOF was on. The Catagory "before & after" the clue "place" the board looked like this
The contestant then asks to buy a vowel.

"superheroes of the faith"?
I am not talking about Bible Man or Larry Boy, I am talking about you and I.
I am talking about faith. You know that mountain moving, water walking, raise people from the dead so you can get through the day, faith.

When was the last time you tried to "move a mountain"? In occult circles supernatural phenomina is far from a rare occorance. All sorts of "neat" hocus pocus can be seen. Walking on walls, levitation, telkenesis, (moving of objects with the mind) and more. Why is it the "dark side" is so demonstrative with its power and yet we practice meekness? Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. How much greater should our power be? Do we not have dominion and authority? Jesus cursed a fig tree and it died for aparantly no reason, he took an evening stroll on the lake and then he says greater things than I will you do. What's stopping us?

1. burn out
when you try to find fulfillment in ministry instead of Him you wear yourself out. If ministry is wearing you out, you are not spending enough time alone with him. Jesus had one the most incomprehensible ministry schedules and yet how often to we se him alone with the father. Early in the morning, mid afternoon, late at night it didn't matter Jesus knew when it was time to step back and refocus.

2. "Fear of man"
fear of man is selfishness with a fancy name. It just means I care more about what people think aobut me than I do about the testimony of Christ. Really what we need is a frim grasp on who we actually are, where our true identity lies. We are children of THE KING. HELLLO!!!! does anyone get that? Sons and daughters of the Creator and Ruler of the Universe. Pause and ponder for just a moment. That's huge do you realize the authority we have on both heaven and earth just because of who HE is?

3. Depression
If you are depressed you have already spent to much time thinking aobut yourself. Where did the joy of the Lord go? It has left because our joy was based on our experience and feeling. God is God reguardless of circumstances. He is worthy of our praise simply because. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Why is he joyful? Because we are his children. He rejoices simply because we are His. It is this joy which we find our strenght in. No matter how we feel we can be assured he is rejoicing over us just because. We don't need to perform or earn it, that's what makes it unconditional.

We have royal authority, unconditional love, and a God who is always available for conversation and can't wait to spend time with us. So trials come and go, and "life isn't easy" so what. Let's have a little confidence here. Is our God bigger than all extenuating circumstances? Ok then. What about pain and suffering? Jesus was still talking to God on the cross. He is always there.

Love God, Be Strong, Have Faith.


At 1:39 PM, Blogger Darlene Sinclair said...

Good stuff - I think you've got some great thoughts presented. I was encouraged!

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Lore Ferguson said...

J!! Great stuff. I like that you've been thinking about this stuff -- and spell checking too! See you sometime this week, eh?

At 12:11 AM, Blogger nicole said...

Huh, I can hoestly say that Jesus told me all those things this weekend. Cool eh? Great minds think alike, choosy moms choose jiff, and Jesus loves us.

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, J, I miss you.

You can come visit whenever you want! :)


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